Thursday, September 24, 2009

a seriously >insert fancy word here< quiz that concerns the brains of a martianmaid

so my friend mandy ermm Amanda told me some interesting facts about her single minded,low IQ,idiotic,simple brain idiotica(wait i did say idiot before)goofy(want me to continue??i can keep going on and on and on and on and on and on about the idiot i mean uh maid??)foolish,non-brained(seriously im even asking my self to stop,if i keep going on and on and on and on and on and on it'll take away 12 hours of your precious time(heh like i care))so basically she's a moron and im gonna tell you why:
1.she doesnt know her mothers name-MAJOR LOL
2.Celebrates 3 birthdays in a year-Yes she wait not she,IT does
3.Ask her her b'day,she'lll say shee was born in 2009,ask her the same question next year,she'll answer 2010
4.She skips 3 while counting 1-10
5.she cant tell the difference between a 6 and a 9 lol
6.ask her about her salary per month,she'll say 5 thousand rupiah or recently 5 million rupiahs
huehue so next time when bump into manda do tell her to fire the maid :D

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