Friday, October 23, 2009

a word about the lessons that chickens give you(LOL thats just effing random)

Yea chickens does make great teachers..
so well today was just awesome or what i'd say "Chickenely" today was an all out chicken day, its also conveniently(is that how you spell it Mandy??i mean amanda??) the same day as the UN day, so what the hell in the freakartian's globey world full of chickens and junk is a UN day?? UN day is the day where u sell chickens..wait thats in Freakartianturnus, we dont do that on earth so UN day ON EARTH, is the day where we celebrate other nation's greatness and well the main point is just get together and say that hey im indonesian your american we should be friends, but not hey im freakartinasian and your african F*ck you!!!(HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA)

And does this little event connect to chickens??yea today i ate chickens for breakfast, lunch and maybe dinner, so u guys must be asking, does freakartians like me enjoy eating these primitives animals called chickens??
in fact they do bobby(LOL BOBBY!!)they serve it for desserts, casual drinks and oftenly the make T-Shirts out of chicken meat its actually pretty comfy if youre a freakartian..
YEP pretty much it thats the end of this stupidly freaky episode
Bon Appetit(wait that means Good Bye right??)

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